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A5 Booklets Size

Everything about <br> A5 Booklets

Everything about
A5 Booklets

What is the A5 size for booklets?

A5 booklets measure at 148 x 210 mm and are slightly smaller than A4 booklets but still offer ample visual and content space for you to feature your brand’s bestselling products and services. Aside from this, they feature a multitude of pages, which will let you include any vital information about your company which you may want to share with your customers.

A5 Booklet dimensions in Millimetres, Centimetres and Inches

Paper format: A5 Booklet
Dimensions in Millimeters: 148 x 210 mm
Dimensions in Centimeters: 14.8 x 21 cm
Dimensions in Inches: 5.83 x 8.27 in
Tell your story

Tell your story

Make your own page-turner
from cover to cover!

When should I use A5 Booklets?

A5 booklets make for great promotional products as they have many pages which you could use to feature your brand’s latest products and services as well as contact details about your company. In fact, you can also feature the different locations of your brands in a couple of pages from your booklet as well as any running promotions you offer.

Additionally, while these are somewhat smaller than their A4 counterparts, they still come with sufficient space for a minimalist design and concise text. These are also small enough for your prospects to keep in their belongings without much of a hassle. At the same time, these are large enough for people to see right away and take an interest in. This works best especially when you are in a trade fair or convention where competition can be extremely tight between your company and other brands.

Furthermore, there are different kinds of booklet binding such as perfect binding, which is the most common kind of booklet binding. They are also known as perfect bounds, softcover, or paperbacks. These kinds of booklets are usually used as manuals, catalogues, and annuals.

There are also spiral or wire-bound booklets which make for an ideal fastening when it comes to school or university documents. Basically, holes are punched through the pages of your documents near the bound edge and then held together through the use of wires or plastic coils. Overall, A5 booklets are great options if you are looking for something big enough to showcase your company’s best features but small enough to easily carry and distribute. Feel free to contact us if you require any assistance or additional information!

Printing resolution for A5 Booklets

To ensure your A5 booklet comes out with impeccable image quality, you should set your resolution to 148 x 210 at 300 dpi. It is also essential for you to add a 3 mm bleed on each side to keep your image as it is after getting it printed and trimmed. This can be done without any problems through the use of InDesign and or Photoshop. Just manually add the bleed when using Photoshop. Alternatively, you can rely on our free template available on the product page of the product you are trying to order.
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