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A6 Booklets Size

Everything about <br> A6 Booklets

Everything about
A6 Booklets

What is the A6 size for booklets?

A6 booklets are far smaller than A4 booklets with a measurement of 105 x 148 mm. These make for ideal promotional materials as they are lightweight and easy to carry. This means you can carry plenty of them without too much trouble and distribute more of them to more prospects.

A6 Booklet dimensions in Millimetres, Centimetres and Inches

Paper format: A6 Booklet
Dimensions in milimeters: 105 x 148 mm
Dimensions in Centimeters: 10.5 x 14.8 cm
Dimensions in Inches: 4.13 x 5.83 in
Tell your story

Tell your story

Make your own page-turner
from cover to cover!

When should I use A6 Booklets?

A6 booklets are great promotional products especially when you are holding a huge event or if you are participating in job fairs or business conventions as their small size makes it easy to bring and hand them over to many people.

While they may be small, they offer space big enough for minimal but impacting visuals and simple text. Furthermore, their multiple pages are more than sufficient for you to include important information about your brand as well as its products and services.

Furthermore, their small size makes it easy for your customers to carry and keep them. This means that they are more likely to read your booklet during their free time than completely dismiss it. Their small size also makes it easy to produce as smaller materials cost less to create, making A6 booklets a cost-efficient investment.

Aside from these reliable features, there are many ways to bind them. There are stapled booklets with each page perfectly stapled for long-time use. There are also perfect bound ones which are seamlessly sewn together for a classy and clean look. Of course, there is the tried and tested wired binding for those who prefer completely turning over each page without any risk of creating creases, which may ruin its look.

If you are looking to make the most of your budget while still getting extra marketing mileage, then opting for A6 booklets is always a great choice. Learn more about these booklets by checking with us and we will be more than happy to help you further.

Printing resolution for A6 Booklets

To achieve high-quality image for your A6 booklets, it is vital that you set the resolution to 105 x 148 mm at 300 dpi. Furthermore, it is also necessary for you to add a 3 mm bleed to make sure you receive the print the way you expect it. You can achieve this by using InDesign and Photoshop. Using Photoshop, however, will require you to add the bleed manually. As another option, you can also use the free template that we have on our product page of the product you are trying to order.
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