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B sizes

Everything about<br>
B Formats

Everything about
B Formats

Which B Format is the right one for you?

The B paper format makes for the perfect choice for posters as they are large enough to accommodate elaborate designs and comprehensive text. This means you can be as creative and detailed as you want when you are designing your posters of this format as it offers sufficient design and text space.

With this much space, you can include an image of a couple of your best-selling products and services. You can also add an image of any special guests you will be having for any events you will be having. You can also include details of your events or contests you will be holding along with its prize structure.

The B format sizes you will find information about below are B0, which measures 1414 x 1000, B1 which measures 700 x 1000, and B2, which measures 500 x 700. You can opt for any of these and be certain that your brand will have the publicity it deserves. This size also ensures that your design and content will likely be noticed by anyone at a fair distance as B formats are really too big to ignore. With these features, you can be certain that your B format promotional materials will get your brand name out there.

Additionally, B format posters are available in a range of different materials such as the highly-recommended standard 135 gsm gloss MC, which are ideal outdoors. There is also the 115 gsm Blueback, which is great for billboards or poster walls. There are also sticky posters that are easy to apply and display anywhere such as along hallways, on shop windows and many more.

Below is a list of the different B formats for your printing reference.

Get information about specific B formats

B0 Format
< class="home-block-al-hover-item__title">B0 Format

B0 Format

B0 dimensions:
1414 x 1000 mm
141,4 x 100 cm
55.67 x 39.37 in

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B1 Format
< class="home-block-al-hover-item__title">B1 Format

B1 Format

B1 dimensions:
700 x 1000 mm
70 x 100 cm
27.56 x 39.37 in

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B2 Format
< class="home-block-al-hover-item__title">B2 Format

B2 Format

B2 dimensions:
500 x 700 mm
50 x 70 cm
19.69 x 27.56 in

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Before you go...

By checking this table, you will find information about different B format sizes. Find the best B format for you, and use it in your print campaigns. It is vital for you to find the best format and kind of poster to match your marketing goals and you can count on us to help you choose the right one. In case you are having trouble finding the exact size you are looking for, then feel free to check with us!
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